A few weeks ago I was taken to see the Veterinarian because of a skin tag on my leg. Now it is always an interesting trip to the Vets office. I got out of the car and immediately started using my nose. Yes I know I am a guide dog and I am suppose to be good and pay attention and work for my dad, well there are some things that I just have to do and cannot pass up. This was one of them. You see there are all those good smells, Labradors, Australian Shepherds, Terriers, Poodles, a few cat smells and then some that I hadn’t smelled before. Okay after a little encouragement I went back to work mode.
Once inside and at the desk while dad checked in I went in to social mode. Yep I turned on my cute loveable Labradore charm. Well there were people, and people and I were meant to be together and you never know, they just might be a friend I haven’t met yet and if I work it hard and good enough I might get some scritches out of it!
Then dad and I were called into the waiting room, and after being weighed and getting a shot for who knows what, it was time for the vet to come in and this meant more socializing. Yes I turned it on big time and I was rewarded with a treat from the treat jar.
A few minutes later the vet informed dad that they should take this skin tag off and this meant a small procedure which usually means sedating the animal but not me! I was escorted back to the table and all the way I used my cute mannerism to win over all of the staff.
I was placed on this very cold table and the vet went about her job of removing this skin tag from my right front leg. No sedation for me as I layed there letting her do what she needed to but all the time I was flashing my deep brown eyes at her and using my eyebrows to talk as well. Yep it worked! Upon completion it was time for more treats.
Whoever said it is not any fun to go to the veterinarian next time, they will just have to come with me.
Wags To You!
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